A few months ago, I was asked to
participate in the creation of six online training modules for shrimp farmers
in Vietnam. Shrimp farming is a
multi-billion dollar business in Southeast Asia and farmers are facing a disease, Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), that causes increased mortality rates in shrimp. Training will help shrimp farmers improve
practices and prevent disease. Funding for the modules and travel is being provided by the Responsible Aquaculture Foundation (RAF).
Michael Chambers, UNH Cooperative Extension aquaculture specialist, is writing the information for the modules, and Ken Mitchell of UNH Information Technology is creating them using SoftChalk software and Moodle as the LMS platform. I am assisting both with design and content. I am also taking photos and video in Vietnam. The modules will be available to shrimp farmers using a variety of viewing sources, with many using their smart phones. We have six months to complete the modules.
Dr. Chambers and I are leaving Saturday for the long journey to Southeast Asia, where we will travel to factories, businesses, a university and multiple shrimp farms, large and small. We will also meet with the Chief of Agriculture. We will be in three provinces in five days traveling by small plane and car. I will be posting regularly and adding lots of photos and some video as well. Stay tuned!
Have a good time and be safe.